December 21, 2024, 01:57:02 pm


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Emil's application

Started by Emil Octovian, May 23, 2009, 02:54:35 am

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Emil Octovian

Hello all,

I'm applying for membership in the Coalition of Itan.  I am a combat pilot and have experience with both fighters and bombers.  Technically right now I meet only two of the 3 requirements (valk and rag access) but I'm only a couple pk's shy of 25 and will have those as soon as a couple more Serco show up in Deneb :p.  I've flown with ITAN in Deneb for several skirmishes now, and I've also contributed to CtC and other anti-serco operations both in gray and blue space.  I hope to continue working with as an official member soon!

Emil Octovian


Look forward to flying with ya more mate! Very much so!



I've flown with you, and I have to say, you're pretty good.

Look forward to seeing you in the guild when you complete the app requirements. :)


Hey, Welcome Emil! Looking forward to having you in the guild!

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