Hello to all the Coalition members
Argus here, altho I haven't seen more than 3 or 4 on at a time, I am most impressed with [Itan]. I have talked with and flown with Sagiv Kor, but haven't seen him on in a while. I do see Spidey on, ripping Serco Scum to shreds.
I am doing fairly well with the PvE stuff. 12/8/8/7/5. Only 3 Queens by way of help from Sagiv. And only 6 PvP kills to my name. But hey I'm a work in progress.
Think I'm about one and a half months into a three month tour of duty, and right now I'm wanting to extend that tour.
I'm not the hottest PvP player but I think I can hold my own, somewhat. Just need the right lessons and pointers. I'm an old gamer, 47, and always wonder where these things were while I was growing up. I really enjoy taunting Serco Scum but as of yet I feel I lack the fighting ability to back up my taunts.
In past gaming I have enjoyed and contributed as much as I can to any guild or squad I was in and don't see that changing. I also like to stick with a guild, not too fond of bouncing around.
I'm a graphic artist living in St. Louis and looking for a full time gig.
I was at the 1st public display of Photoshop 1.0 back in '89 at Berkley.
Love my mac. Tolerate windblows. Impressed with Linux.
Anything else you all want to know? Ask.
Argus out