December 26, 2024, 08:23:31 pm


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Joining the Coalition of Itan

Started by NXR, May 21, 2007, 10:07:38 am

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Hey, my name is NXR and after talking to iry in VO I'd like to join your guild. 

My stats at the moment are 6/6/5/8/4, and one of the main reasons I want to join is to improve my combat stats, and access some of the cool group missions that I hear about, but never get to do. 

My time zone is a bit off from most people (I live in Melbourne, Australia), but then again I work in a bar so I'm always playing vendetta at 4 in the morning (which is early evening for most people on the other side of the world.) 

Hope to hear from your soon

You can't defeat what cannot be destroyed


If I ever log in again I'll invite you!

Been busy and also been playing EVE.
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Don't get your hopes up about cool group missions though...there aren't any that you can do in a guild that you aren't able to do with just /group


dont listen to smittens we do Border Patrol and hive hunting in group most of the times

levi killing too  ;)
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.

Jack Scream

I'm from Melbourne too and find that I have to log in during the day if I wanna catch up with guild members.  (Boss here at work is unaware ... for now!)

I have pulled some all nighters levelling up ... MAN, now THAT wrecks you when VO all night and have to work next day with no sleep.  Love it though!

Any other members from down under?


There's been a few members from Australia, but not as many as from the 'States.
I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


i hunt moose in canada im also a lumberjack.

no im really a canadian crack computer addict  ;)

welcome to itan NXR
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.


Welcome to ITAN NXR new blood is always a good thing the more people we can throw Roda's way the better.

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