December 26, 2024, 09:22:45 pm


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Gate Jumper's Application

Started by Gate Jumper, March 13, 2008, 09:12:07 pm

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Gate Jumper

   Subscription Status - I've got a full subscription.

   Levels (Combat/Light/Heavy/Trade/Mining) -

   How long you've been playing Vendetta -
I've been playing for about 6 months.

      In game activities you like doing
I have a special place in my heart for hive skirmish.  Border patrol and skirmish as well as pirate chasing in B-8 I have occasionally played with, but I haven't practiced pvp much. 

      What you'd like help with -
Pvp, certainly.  Plus I've heard that trading can be lucrative, but I don't know how, compared to escorts.  If there are good strategies for trading, I'd love to learn about that too.

      What you expect from [Itan] -
I hope to be part of great space battles!


I think I remember you from a while ago

I think You'd be a good addition to the guild :)

Gate Jumper

Great - So next I find someone in-game?


Sagiv Kor

Yeah, what times are you on normally so we can try and have someone on for you.

P.S. If you're reading this like right now and post a reply nowish it can prolly be done.

Gate Jumper

I'll be on in a few hours.

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