December 26, 2024, 01:03:51 pm


EMS and ORE = DO NOT SHOOT, even if they're Serco.

* *

Aron Jones Aplication

Started by Milferd, May 14, 2008, 06:15:12 pm

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Just started playing but sort of obsessively lol.

Itani military member.

5/4/3/2/0 stats. Focusing on being a figher pilot.

Have fought about five BS for Itani and many hive skirmish.
Trying to get better every day.


thanks for having me in now a 8/5/4/2/0
Trying to get better every day.


Welcome to Itan! :)


wecome to ITAN Aron hope to catch you ingame soon

Captain Sraer

Welcome to Itan! If I could log on (mom won't let me resub) I would help you out some and do Bs and BP with you, maybe some NW and SF shooting up and stuff. I might be able to get my resub after my b-day (June 6)

Per Audacia ad Astra


Welcome to Itan! ;D
*Something of interest coming Soon (tm)*


Welcome to ITAN Aron!!  Can't wait to see you in game  ;D

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December 26, 2024, 01:03:51 pm

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