December 26, 2024, 09:42:10 pm


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DigitalSith's Application

Started by DigitalSith, July 22, 2008, 06:15:19 pm

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1. Subscriber

2. 6/6/2/3/0

3. Been playing on this subscriber account for about a month and a half, I have played previously on trial accounts on and off for about a year, just recently making a commitment.

4. I do allot of hive skirmishes and escorting, I'm open to other avenues as well.

5. Erm, I dont really need any help, but you never know.

6. Id like to be in a guild thats active, I was in a guild that I never heard from anyone ever! Team activities would be nice.

Little Doom

Yeah I say you're good. Then again so is almost everyone who applies. Almost.

There are exceptions. Yes, LeberMac, you're an exception. I also anticipate your saying that you will destroy us all. Well, *surprise surprise* you were extra-drunk when you wrote your sig. Extra drunk.

As for needing help you should know that I need more help than almost anyone. Almost. I need the kind of help that makes you say spethal instead of special.  ::)

Oh no I've forgotten about the bodies. They're dead to me. They also happen to be dead to everyone else. Dead dead dead dead dead like the way LeberMac convinces himself that his opponents are dead as he chugs another crate of tequila.
Epic fail.

DD       OO       OO     M       M
D  D   O    O   O    O   MM   MM
D  D   O    O   O    O   M M M M
DD       OO       OO     M   M  M


Cool, nice levels. I'm 100% sure you're gonna be in ITAN. :)
*Something of interest coming Soon (tm)*

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