December 22, 2024, 05:26:28 pm


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Applicatin: Otto Torreno

Started by Otto Torreno, December 02, 2012, 09:10:17 am

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Otto Torreno

December 02, 2012, 09:10:17 am Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 05:09:32 pm by Otto Torreno
I'd like to apply to this nats guild, because it's the only one who opposed to serco in deneb skirmishes. PVP is fun, team events are fun. I think this is the only guild that can provide needed level of all kinds of such fun :)

licenses are: 10/9/7/4/4

At the moment I'm pursuing level 9 of light weap to be able to run advanced valk.

Thank you

Otto Torreno

update: my time zone is GMT+2


Awesome to see an applicant, give us a shout in-game and we'll seek you out for some team events. :)


Welcome to the guild! :)

Milky Way

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