Hey, already in first i dont speak english, so it's hard to me to answer; i understand a little enough to play in Vendetta with members guild.
I'm French, 48 years arf.. and stoped Vendetta quasi 2 years to play WOW. My older Guild (BOFH) seems dead and i find a new Guild. My stats 9/11/9/9/2 KB3935/140
PK 29 (27 Sercos & 2 UIT) the 2 uit are allies of serco...I played Vendetta since Origin of game.
One thing yet, for me run when you have between 1% and 9% of life face has someone which has 50% more of life seems me to make party of the play, so the last run what i do,i was to 1% of life only; if i cant run in this guild dont accept me.sorry
I hope that law is not fix, I fight with honnor and bravour but i'm not stupid so..
I hope what you undertand what i'm 'saying ^^
Cordialy Tertior
No Swarms missile ok, but avallon is authorised? muhahaha died the sercos