December 22, 2024, 11:28:12 am


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Atan Yomane's (Re)Application

Started by Atan Yomane, August 16, 2008, 08:18:14 pm

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Atan Yomane

Hello everyone. Some of you won't remember me, but this character has been around since Itani Alliance times.  :o

Subscription Status: I'm on and paying for Vendetta month-to-month. I don't expect any interruptions.

Levels (Combat/Light/Heavy/Trade/Mining): 10/10/10/7/7

How long you've been playing Vendetta: Oh, maybe three years or so.

In game activities you like doing: Mining, trading, botting, Queen hunting, bartending, not a LOT of PvP. I will participate in nation wars.

No. of missions completed: 106
Hive queen kills: 6/10
4/20 Prospecting
Duel rating: 928
Veteran Hive Hunter II
Denic I, Pentric I

Standings:    Itani: Admire (working towards PoS)
                  Serco: Neutral +20 or so (There's something to be said about this: I would prefer not to participate in battles in monitored space which would ruin this rating. Although I can supply vital tactical information from behind enemy lines. Needless to say, I wouldn't be participating in destroying the Nemesis, but I can tell you where she is, her current status, # of turrets, etc...)
                  UIT: Respect (working towards Admire)

What you'd like help with: Group mining would be fun. I can help with tactical and combat training meetings. I'd love to go queening in groups with you guys. And I can do PvP battles, just in gray or unmonitored space.

What you expect from [Itan]: I expect you guys to be as awesome as you always have been. I think being a liaison to the Serco Dominion can bring some stability in the region. I hope I can help stop Itani deaths before they happen.

Thanks for your consideration!


Thats alot of info! lol nice queening with u Atan!

Captain Sraer

I look forward to having you in the guild (again)!
Per Audacia ad Astra


welcome to itan! (again)

such nice levels... btw, how do you do bartending in VO?


Heya! Welcome back!
* slime is Omega 0, btw.

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