Hello everyone. Some of you won't remember me, but this character has been around since Itani Alliance times.
Subscription Status: I'm on and paying for Vendetta month-to-month. I don't expect any interruptions.
Levels (Combat/Light/Heavy/Trade/Mining): 10/10/10/7/7
How long you've been playing Vendetta: Oh, maybe three years or so.
In game activities you like doing: Mining, trading, botting, Queen hunting, bartending, not a LOT of PvP. I will participate in nation wars.
No. of missions completed: 106
Hive queen kills: 6/10
4/20 Prospecting
Duel rating: 928
Veteran Hive Hunter II
Denic I, Pentric I
Standings: Itani: Admire (working towards PoS)
Serco: Neutral +20 or so (There's something to be said about this: I would prefer not to participate in battles in monitored space which would ruin this rating. Although I can supply vital tactical information from behind enemy lines. Needless to say, I wouldn't be participating in destroying the Nemesis, but I can tell you where she is, her current status, # of turrets, etc...)
UIT: Respect (working towards Admire)
What you'd like help with: Group mining would be fun. I can help with tactical and combat training meetings. I'd love to go queening in groups with you guys. And I can do PvP battles, just in gray or unmonitored space.
What you expect from [Itan]: I expect you guys to be as awesome as you always have been. I think being a liaison to the Serco Dominion can bring some stability in the region. I hope I can help stop Itani deaths before they happen.
Thanks for your consideration!