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Application Requirements [DEPRECATED]

Started by Sagiv Kor, August 26, 2008, 12:30:16 am

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Sagiv Kor

August 26, 2008, 12:30:16 am Last Edit: November 28, 2010, 02:21:04 am by slime
All applicant's must be subscribers to Vendetta Online, include your subscription status in your application.

Also feel free to tell us a bit about yourself.
   How long you've been playing Vendetta
   In game activities you like doing
   What you expect from [Itan]

Application types - Combatant and Merchant


Combatant requirements (Must have any three of the following)
   PvP Veteran I (25 pks)
   1000 Total Kills
   Hive Queen Hunter I (10 queen kills)
   Veteran Hive Hunter II (1000 hive kills)
   Leviathan Hunter I (1 Leviathan Kill)
   Itani Valkyrie access (8/5/5/1-)
   Anti-Cap Ship Ragnarok(5/4/7/-/-)


Merchant Requirements (Must have any five of the following)
   Basic Trader III (1,000,000 in trade profit)
   Basic Miner I (500cu of sold ore)
   Heliocene Miner I (50 cu Mined Heliocene)
   Pentric Miner I (50 cu Mined Pentric)
   Denic Miner (50 cu Mined Denic)

   Behemoth Access (-/-/-/8/4) or Basic Miner II (Mining Behemoth)
   Itani Pillar of Society (Itani +1000 Standing)

Upon meeting the minimum requirement you will be interviewed by an officer (Lieutenant or Commander) for admission into the guild.  You must be prepared do the following.

State acceptance of Itan's policies.
Acknowledge the Guild Relations
Prove completion of the minimum requirements

*We request that you divulge the identity of your alternate characters, at the very least to the Officer which is responsible for your interview.  Background checks may be run on applicants at random before during and after the interview.

*Any characters divulged will not be shared beyond the officers.  In the event a character divulged presents a possible conflict of interest the affected character(s) will be shared with the council for review.  Such characters may include those with memberships in other guilds, particularly Enemy guilds.


Note.  You must register on the forum before you can post an application.  Registering and logging in will also allow you to see more of the forum, even if you are not planning to join the guild.

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