March 13, 2025, 04:59:00 am


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Application: Korvus Ferreus

Started by Korvus Ferrum, November 26, 2010, 01:25:01 am

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Korvus Ferrum

Greetings members of [ITAN]!

So after much consideration and deliberation, I've finally decided to apply for [ITAN] membership.  I've been subscribed to VO for about 2 months now, but even after this amount of time I still feel that the 'verse is still largely a mysterious place; I still have much to learn.  Trading and mining are always fun (and profitable), but I revel in combat.  I really enjoy hunting the Hive (HS missions, tracking down random queens and the like) as well as border skirmish missions.  Combat is my favorite aspect of the game.  This being said, I'm VERY inexperienced in PvP combat, and this is something that I would like to change.

I'm not sure exactly what to expect from [ITAN], however, I'm sure you all have amassed a large amount of information that would be useful for Itani players.  I would like to improve my skills in combat (both NPC and PvP), as well as learn some of the finer aspects of mining and trading. 

In terms of requirement fulfillments, I have met the following:
Over 1k total kills
Veteran Hive Hunter II
Itani Valkyrie Access
Anti-Cap Rag Access
(I'm only 2 queens away from Hive Queen Hunter I, I'm not sure if this carries any weight but I will achieve this within a couple of days at most)
Basic Miner I
Denic Miner II
Affluence in GTS  ;D

I currently don't have any alternate characters.  Stay well, [ITAN], and hopefully this marks the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship!

Сеем смерть, жнём победу!


I have been holding training sessions recently for all of [ITAN] to attend, so we could definitely help you out with PVP there. Otherwise, this has to be one of the best applications I've ever seen in my 3 years in [ITAN]. You just need Waffle's, Slime's, or CrazySpence's confirmation, but I'm 99% sure they'll say yes with a big grin on their face. ;D
*Something of interest coming Soon (tm)*

Waffles of Soggy

Quote from: CorvusFerrum
Affluence in GTS

Well why didn't you say so! Thats all we really need :P

Find one of us 3 in game and we'll iron out the wrinkles. Looking forward to the future.
"Beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and men." ~Larousse
<WoS> suspenders and loincloth
<slime> my favourite

Korvus Ferrum

Excellent, see you in the 'verse!  :D
Сеем смерть, жнём победу!


Welcome.  See you in Deneb and grey space.
Catchy "with it" phrase


Welcome to the guild of awesome, if you need a tour you should come to my personal quarters in K-5 I have blackjack and hookers.
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.

Veda Styx

- Styking it to the Serco since 4063.

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