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Joining ITAN

Started by Charma, May 23, 2007, 08:19:03 pm

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Ingame name "Charma"

Ello, I'm new to the whole vendette game and i recently just played the trail and found quite a liking to tho whole combat part of the game.  Hence the pvp aspect of the game.  I am now a subscriber to the game, and when i spamed for a guild to join this one was the first to say pvp was our moto so thats why im here asking u if its cool if u take me under your wing and kick some Secro ass!!!

Otto Lambergen

That's Great, Kill the Serco (and Sally Kosh...Whatshername)

Contact Iry, Genotype....umm LeberMac and others.


Hah! Thanks for handling that Lamb! (Mind if I call you lamb?) You sure have assimilated quickly...


We are The Borg, lower your shields and surrender your ships. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance Is Futile.


I knew some dork would have to chime in after that comment. Of course it's Mr. Starcraft/Battlestar/Loser



hahahah that was fun  :P
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.


beyond everything else that has been posted here Charma this guild has some of the finest pvpers that I have had the pleasure to know. Any of Omega's alts, lord spidey, Harpo, and even though I havent had the pleasure Smittens they should all be good at showing you the ropes. And if youre on when I am and you need it I can help you too, but if the aforementioned guildies are on contact them first and foremost.  If all else fails throw yourself at Roda Slane a few times hes good and any kills we [ITAN] can garner against him the better.


Heh, thanks Elbryon. :) If you ever see Mecha Touriuas online when he's doing good at PvP, you can ask him for help with fighting. He's much better than a lot of people, and he's willing to mentor people about PvP (


Thanks Elb :) But why are you including LS on that list?

Also, Omega, I don't think MT is as good as his PKs indicate. In fact I know he's not. He's better than a lot of people, but I have more trouble with you and Harpo on an average basis than Mecha (I've killed him during de-rusting phases! 0_o)


He's not the best player, but he knows what he's doing and he wants to teach.


The one time I fought LS the combat was great and I had to work really hard to stay alive as long as I did barring the ensueing grump fest I still think he is a good combat pilot. imo
Mecha is good at telling you what you can improve on rather than exploiting your fault for more pk's like other ah.. ahh... ahhhh.....Roda choo Oh!excuse me sneezed a little there.


im sorry for having called you a backroller  :( i just got really frustrated after fighting you for 7 minutes-ish

and i can beat the huntress kalb swagman all one at the time without breaking a sweat ive gotten much better lately with medium aim weapons eg: neut posi phase blaster
Some random crap saying that's mildly philosophical.


Smittens, tell me your tactic for MT because I have never beaten him 1v1


Umm I think it was something that had to do with varying your distance a lot and not really paying attention to auto-aim. Especially the second part.

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